Margaret River
Organic Garden
A 'Garden Park' in the heart of town!
Trees of the Garden
There are numerous trees within the Margaret River Organic Garden. Some were planted at the garden’s inception in 1988, whilst others have been planted over time.

Orchard Trees
How are they here: Most of the orchard trees were planted by
Eva Dexter - the original Organic Gardener!!
Garden Location: The Orchard Trees are dotted throughout the Garden.
General Info: There are two apple trees together with two apricot, two loquat, a pear, two lemon, an orange, two peach, and a nectarine.

Silver Birch Trees
How are they here: The Birch trees were planted by Bec Juniper
- a local artist and volunteer gardener. She worked at a local nursery for a month, free of charge, in exchange for these trees.
Garden Location: The avenue of Silver Birch is planted on the lawn parallel to the High School's gravel driveway.
General info: The Silver Birch is said to be the symbol of the Russian soul. Tolstoy wrote of this tree in Anna Karenina and in War and Peace. The oldest Hindu manuscripts were made from the bark of the birch tree.
How is it here: The native Juniper Tree was purchased and planted by Shelley Cullen as part of the Dyers herb garden.

Juniper Tree
How are they here: Bec Juniper was also responsible for the purchase and planting of the Poplar Tree and the Yew Tree.

Poplar Tree

Yew Tree
Garden Location: The Juniper is near Bussell Highway in the Native garden.
General Info: The Juniper belongs to the cypress (Cupressaceae) family. With a stately habit and impressive foliage that offers both colour and texture, the species is highly ornamental. They are long-lived, and the larger trees are valued for their timber, which is used to make small objects; the timber is also an important fuel source in many remote areas.
Garden Location: The Poplar tree is halfway between Mannsfield House and the Amphitheatre.
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Garden Location: The small Yew tree is next to the potting shed.
General Info: The Yew Tree is a primordial conifer which is believed to have existed before human beings. It is deciduous - some trees being female and some being male. It is slow growing and long lived. There is a tree in Scotland said to be 5,000 years old. It's most common association is with the medieval longbow.
How is it here: The Bay Tree was purchased and planted by
Susan Spiers, as part of the culinary herb garden.

Laurel (Bay) Tree
Garden Location: The Bay tree, is in the centre of the garden, towards the Bussell Highway end.
General Info: Long been used in cooking, medicine and decoration.
It has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-convulsant properties.
The legendary significance is Apollo's story. The nymph Daphne,
Apollo's lost love morphised into a laurel tree - afterwards the Laurel
Tree became sacred to Apollo.
How is it here: The Chestnut was planted by Bec Juniper. She got it free from a nursery as it wasn't in good shape and they couldn't sell it. Nursing it back to life took her 2 years. Now each year we get around a bucket of edible chestnuts.

Chestnut Tree
Garden Location:
General Info: The chestnut tree belongs to the same Family as the Oaks and the Beeches. The longevity of the Chestnut is ever greater than the Oaks. It is deep rooted and capable of withstanding drought. The cooked nuts are used in cooking - particularly in the stuffing for turkey and goose.