Margaret River
Organic Garden
A 'Garden Park' in the heart of town!
​Different Ways to Donate to the Organic Garden
For many people, it is difficult to be a volunteer, as they have limited free time due to work and family commitments. These same people have been very generous in other ways.
Thank you for your past and future support.
You may like to donate to help with the maintenance and upkeep of the garden.
You can donate:
Personally - you may get in touch with the Secretary
By cheque - send to "The Secretary, MROG c/- PO Box 1624, Margaret River 6285"
By EFT or at your local Commonwealth Bank - see details in the upper right of this page
Donate to us through 'Containers for Change', take your containers to the refund point at 22 Kinsella Road, Margaret River and Quote C10489516.
Business Support​
Over the years various businesses have been very supportive of the garden, often very generously offering a discount, which we have much appreciated. We are constantly looking for replacement plants, mulch, sand, timber and other goods or monetary donations. If you feel that you could assist in this way please contact our secretary on
0402 944 792.
This email will go direct to the Secretary Sharyn Carroll:

Contacting us:
You can Donate
by EFT (Electronic Bank Transfer) OR
at your local
Bank Branch
A/c Name: MR Organic Garden BSB: 066 532
A/c No: 10114143
Reference: 'your surname'