Margaret River
Organic Garden
A 'Garden Park' in the heart of town!

A unique and special Garden in Margaret River WA
A place of tranquility, with ever evolving natural change, community, friendship, nurture and growth. If you are lucky enough to live in or near Margaret River in the South West of Western Australia, or are holidaying nearby or even just passing through, the Organic Garden makes for a memorable visit.
"Wednesday's Garden" - book celebrating 30 years
All visitors Welcome
If ever a community, were to celebrate their sense of place, Wednesday's Garden does this with style and substance. This superb full colour book tells the 30 year story of WA's beautiful Margaret River Organic Garden, an eclectic garden park, with sustainability and community connectivity. Packed full of beautiful photographs and a narrative both soaring and simple.
We meet the past, present and future in the fight to protect this haven in a town which can be at odds with the dilemma of Nature versus development.
$ 20 (plus postage) - purchase by calling Sharyn on 0402 944 729
Containers for Change - donate to the Organic Garden Quote C10489516
To donate to us is through 'Containers for Change', take your containers to the refund point at 22 Kinsella Road, Margaret River.